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twist someone’s man
对某人采取强制手段  detail>>
be with someone
听懂,在...工作  detail>>
 pron.  有人,某人 〔同 somebody, 但多用于书面语,特别是疑问句或否定句的场合〕。 S- wants to see you. 有人想会见你。 Why c...  detail>>
someone to be there
某个人在那里  detail>>
s twist
s 捻 s捻  detail>>
the twist
扭扭舞 扭腰舞  detail>>
 vt.  1.拧,扭,绞。 2.捻,搓;编,织,作,造。 3.缠绕,卷。 4.扭弯,扭歪;扭伤。 5.曲解,牵强附会;抢夺;折磨...  detail>>
twist on twist
同向加捻 同向捻合  detail>>
twist twist twist
扭曲  detail>>
beat someone’s time with someone
勾引别人的女朋友  detail>>
fix someone uwith someone
撮合某人和某人  detail>>
double-twist twist tube
倍捻加捻管  detail>>
final twist; second twist
上捻  detail>>
反向加捻  detail>>
 短语和例子   comb. f. (pl. -men)  1.〔职业〕…人:postman, dustman, clergymen.&nb...  detail>>
a man
一个男人  detail>>
as a man
一致地, 如同一人地, 就他个人的品德而言  detail>>
be a man
拿出点勇气来  detail>>